Coach Tips

The Practice

Awareness is a gift that comes with the responsibility of changing behavior through practice.

Once you become aware you have to use the information to make adjustments to how you connect with life. This can be the most challenging part – the changes because our current practices are so deeply embedded into our being. The practices that brought us to the experiences we are encountering today are established in our Mind, Body, and even in the rhythm of our breath.

Practicing the art of stillness is the best place to start changing behavior. Stillness allows us to uproot the old and plant new seeds into our consciousness.

Inviting Stillness In:
  • Clear your schedule so you can loose track of time and won’t be interrupted
  • Dedicate a specific time daily for your practice
  • Set the atmosphere with music, candles, and aroma therapy
  • Listen to a guided meditation such as the one found here.

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